Illustration of Francesca Protopapa showing a girl swimming. We can see the Eiffel tower in the Background Half submerged

Francesca Protopapa

Born in Rome, Francesca has a degree in Art history and graphic design. Living in Paris since 2004, she works as an illustrator and a graphic designer on projects dealing with edition and communication. Francesca likes to draw women, captivating their looks and attitudes, being inspired by their stories and their dreams. Interested in fashion, cinema ad music, Francesca loves to do portrait as well. She often did live drawings, for professional events, festivals, concerts, and some of her creations are sold in galeries. Among her clients:  Fondation L’Oréal, Filorga, Médecins Sans Frontières, Unicef, FCPE, Posca, La Thé Box, Française des Jeux, Tupperware, Heineken, Les Echos, Le Figaro, Madame Figaro, Le Nouveau Magazine Littéraire, Elle, Le Particulier, Avantages, Gala, Muze, Ed. Calmann-Lévy, Univers Poche, Massot éditions, Jacobin Italia, Roland Garros, The Psychologist, Mondadori, DeAgostini, le MNAC de Barcelona, Festisol, Open House Festival.